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Finding work as an expat

Written by GRIT Digital
Storage Specialist

Taking the decision to relocate abroad, be it by yourself or with loved ones, is a big step. Your life will undoubtedly turn on its head and you’ll have a lot of processes to explore before making your decision. Finding work is one of the essential aspects you’ll be needing to sort, as finding a new home but failing to gain a new job can lead to the whole relocation process falling apart. Don’t worry however – there are more plenty of options when it comes to finding employment when relocating.

Finding work abroad

Finding work abroad can be tough, but if you’ve set your sights on a dream new life abroad then it isn’t impossible to move your life to another country. For some, you might be lucky that an ex-pat opportunity has just fallen into your lap, but for others it might be the case that you need to hunt out a job overseas. Whether you’re wanting to move alone and get set up, or if your partner has secured a new job and you’re the only one left jobless, don’t stress and check out these tips.

Don’t talk yourself out of it

Many people enjoy toying with the idea of moving abroad, however the grand scale of uprooting is enough to deter many from following it through. If you ask people who’ve taken the leap, many will insist they’d do it again in an instant, so make sure that you think about the positive aspects of the move, rather than dwelling solely on the negatives. If you want to make it work, you’ll have more passion and really give your job hunt your full effort.

Make the most of your current job

It might be the case that you don’t even need to leave the company you currently work for in order to move overseas. Now more than ever, organisations have a global reach, with offices all over the world. Don’t think that relocating abroad means a full life upheaval and a new job, as the whole process could be as simple as exploring the options available to you at your current place of work. If you excel at your job, and enjoy the work you do, why give that up? If you’re an asset to the company, they’d probably be happy to set you up elsewhere, as long as they retain your services.

Make people aware

If you work in an industry that is well networked, the chances are that other people will have relocated to new countries too. It’s amazing how far word of mouth can spread, so if you let colleagues know of your impending move, the chances are you’ll eventually reach someone with experience of moving. If you drop really lucky, your name could be recommended to  someone working abroad, but if not, just speaking to people with experience of moving and getting a job abroad can help you.

Use family ties

It’s often the case that a spouse or partner being offered a relocated job is the main driving force behind a move. If this is the case, then make sure you know the ins and outs of the company operations in your new location. With a personal tie, the company clearly values partner enough to progress them in their career, so it might be the case that you’ll have an ‘in’ at the company due to your families relationship. Get to grips on what the company does in your new destination and see if your skills and experience match up with any vacant roles.

Just do it

If the stress of trying to sort every detail of your move is getting to you, and you’ve simply had enough, then it’s perfectly acceptable to leave the job search until you’ve settled into your new home. You’ll be able to get a feel for your new city and the new country as a whole, and then make a more informed decision on what you want to do in your new home.

If you plan to relocate abroad, make sure you check out our dedicated website section, and get professional help with your big move.


Photo credit: Pexels