Robinsons is a high quality removals company that has a demonstrable commitment to quality. We take great pride in our trade memberships and our global company partnerships. High standards are demanded across every sector of our business and in every service we provide.
British Association of Removers
For over 100 years, the British Association of Removers has been dedicated to promoting professional excellence in the Removals Industry, developing and maintaining professional standards and services for the benefit of its Members and their customers.
Whether you are moving in the UK, to Europe or Overseas, choosing Robinsons with its BAR membership will ensure your move goes smoothly and you will have the peace of mind that comes from using a reputable, professional and safe remover. Robinsons have been a member of BAR since the very beginning. You can expect complete transparency in all dealings with us, you will receive a high level of service throughout and as a private customer you will also have the benefit Advanced Payment Guarantee, the knowledge that our terms are Trading Standards approved, if dispute resolution is required we are bound by the scheme operated by the Furniture Home Improvement Ombudsman (FHIO).
We are also members of the BAR Overseas Group, a dedicated group of companies within the BAR that specialise in all aspects of overseas removals. Each member of the BAR Overseas Group is experienced in handling part and full container load consignments worldwide and in taking care of goods coming into the UK from abroad.

More importantly, as a BAR member, we provide an Advanced Payment Guarantee to all our removal customers.

We adhere to the British Association of Removers Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme which is independently operated by the Furniture and Home Improvement Ombudsman (FHIO)
The Furniture and Home Improvement Ombudsman (FHIO)
3-4 Viewpoint Office Village, Babbage Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2EQ
T: 0333 241 3209
For further information about the benefits of using a BAR remover, visit the BAR website.

FIDI is the largest global alliance of international moving and relocation companies, with members in over 100 countries. All FIDI affiliated companies have one thing in common: their high level of quality service – and they can prove it. The FAIM and FIDI DSP Quality labels, mandatory for all FIDI members, are the most stringent and comprehensive quality standard for the international moving and relocation industry, regularly audited by an independent third-party, EY. As founder members of this exclusive worldwide alliance, it means that we will always select the very best partner for each individual move, without being restricted to using overseas companies whose standards may not live up to our own.
FAIM – Quality assurance
The FAIM Quality Certification is unique of its kind and sets the benchmark for quality services in the international moving and relocation world. Developed by the FIDI Global Alliance, it is independently audited (currently by EY) and ensures a consistent quality of service, compliance with industry standards & international regulations, supply chain performance and financial stability.

one-group is the premier pan-European relocation and moving solution that was established to meet the needs of the international community by consistently delivering first-class services throughout Europe. one-group and its partners have all important company certificates (FAIM, ISO or EURA Quality Seal) and memberships (EURA, ERC, FIDI, IAM) and in addition employ GMS or ERQ certified staff in each country.

OMNI is a global network of the most professional independent companies in the international moving and relocation industry providing customers with a complete relocation service. OMNI movers are selected from the market-leading companies in each local area: leaders in market penetration, industry influence, customer service and innovation. Our own Philippa Robinson is currently the President of OMNI and sits on the board of directors.

British International Freight Association (BIFA)
BIFA works to represent and support Britain’s freight services industry in the UK and overseas, promoting Best Practice and Total Quality in the provision of freight services by all members, and encouraging and regulating the membership to observe the highest standards of professional competence.

EuRA: The European Relocation Association, was formed in 1998 with the aim of promoting the benefits of professionally managed relocation and mobility services to companies with globally mobile employees. EuRA aims to be Europe’s premier membership organisation for suppliers in relocation and set the benchmark for innovation, best practice and quality standards enabling the delivery of the highest levels of professionalism and service.
Robinsons Relocation is a member of EuRA and is a service provider that abides by EuRA’s Rules of Conduct