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Advice for moving home

Written by GRIT Digital
Storage Specialist

If you are soon to move home, whether it be international or just down the road, the whole experience can be very stressful. There are lots of things associated with a move that needs to be addressed, such as the packing of your personal belongings, changing addresses, and notifying councils, schools, doctors and dentists of your new details.

All this planning and preparing can leave little time for anything else leaving you wishing you never started it in the first place. However; if you plan properly then you are sure to find that the process is a lot easier, smooth and efficient.

Here are a few important tips to help you pack your personal belongings properly so nothing gets damaged and nothing is left behind.

1. Checklist

Make sure that you write out a checklist of all your items that you need to pack and send with a removals company. This will help you pack your items properly and get rid of items you don’t need.

2. Dispose of unwanted belongings

Don’t pack items you don’t need. This is a great time to get rid of your personal belongings that are of no longer of use. You could take unwanted items to a charity shop or do a car boot sale. This will help cut your moving costs and give you a fresh start in your new home.

3. Pack Things Properly

It is important to categorise your items and make sure you have plenty of packing and moving suppliers to pack all of your personal belongings. Make sure that the boxes are sturdy and of good quality. Use padding materials and cartons so your items don’t get damaged.

4. Look out of fragile items

All your fragile items need to packed properly and given extra care and attention. Make sure your items are looked after carefully. If you are unsure how to pack certain items then why not speak to your removals company who can help you pack your fragile items in the most convenient and effective way.

5. Label and colour code

Make sure that all your boxes are labelled and colour coded so you know whats in them and which room they are going in to make life a whole lot easier when you come to pack your personal belongings.

6. Hire a removals company

And if you really have no motive, interest or understanding then why not consider employing a removals company like Robinsons who can help you pack, and deliver your personal belongings to arrive safely at your new home.


Photo Credit: Unsplash